Maine Wilderness Living Challenge - Zachary Fowler
This wilderness living challenge Maine is going to be the best one so far.
Last time I went to Canada to do a 7day Wilderness Living Challenge ( The point is to gain or maintain our body wait while eating nothing but wild foods) with the Wooded beardsman . We had a blast living off nothing but wild food for 7 days deep in the back woods of Canada. Now He has come down to join me in my to do it all over agin near my house in the coastal stat of Maine. As part of our preparations before we head out for the 7 days we thought we woulds test the Alewife fish run and catch and cook some up for our dinner the result was very unexpected and not a happy un expected. The alewife run was good we dip netted a good number but the problem lies in eating them. Can we eat enough Alewives to survive or us enough of them in my lobster traps to bring in a bigger hall during the challenge?
Maine Wilderness Living Challenge Day 1 of 8 Days Of Only Catch and Cook Survival
But there's lots to do On day one. We have to set our Cat fish to bait our Lobster traps And set the lobster traps so we have something to eat. Unfortunately the lobster trap take a couple days to produce. And we're going to be hungry today. My Top of all of the trap setting We have to see if We can squeeze in some time to catch some food That's edibleBefore the days out.
Catch And Cook Clam Digging Day 2 of 8 Maine Wilderness Living Challenge /Catch And Cook Survival
Rough first day only having the blended fish but my hopes are high as we set out to move out to the woods for the next 7 days. A bit of catch and cook clam digging should make up for the first days meager fair. We aren't going to haul the lobster traps till tomorrow so we are going to head up to Sears-port Maine and get clamming license so we can dig clams out on Sears island. I heard once that the native Americans would say that when the tide is out dinner is served. So our plan is to take advantage of just that and take our survival shovels down to sears island at low tide and dig clams. There isn't anything more Maine than a good clam bake. And now that Malcom and my apprentice Chris is here theres more mouths to feed if we wish to succeed at this catch and cook survival challenge we will have to catch enough clams so 4 people can survive until we see how many lobsters we catch. Of course more hands may make survival easier or will it?
Catch And Cook Maine Lobster Day 3 of 8 Maine Wilderness Living Challenge /Catch And Cook Survival
It's been 3 days since we set the lobster traps, now we can hall them and hopeful have a good old feast of lobster that we managed to catch and cook ourselves. Maine lobster is on of my favorite foods. Ands there is nothing better then a meal of MAINE Lobster that you catch and cook yourself. We baited the traps with the alewife fish we caught in the first episode and now we have to haul them off the bottom of the ocean and see if there are any lobster of a legal size that we can eat. I had to get a personal 5 trap license to catch lobster so that means there are regulations on the size we can keep.
How To Cold Smoke Fish, Alewife / River Herring Day 4 of 8 Maine W.L.C. / Catch And Cook Survival
It's been 3 days since we caught the river herring aka Alewife fish and we have been cold smoking the fish for 3 days now. They were almost impossible to eat will all the bones that they have but people have been smoking Alewife for years. There must be a good reason for the long cold smoked fish still being eaten. Since we tried them pan fired we thought them in-enable with the amount of bones that they contain. Boy were we in for a surprise when we toasted them after that three days of cold smoking the alewife fish more Commonly known as River Herring.
Catch And Cook Lobster A LOT OF LOBSTER Day 5 of 8 Maine W.L.C. /Catch And Cook Survival
What a day we went out to catch and cook Lobster the same as last time and we caught more lobster than we could eat. I never thought we would catch that much lobster but we did.
360 Maine Lobstering Adventure Day 5.5 of 8 Side Adventure Of Maine W.L.C. /Catch And Cook Survival
Go-Pro fusion 360 camera Using the Go-Pro fusion 360 camera, so we can take you on a 360 Maine Lobstering Adventure! I have hidden 5 EASTER EGGS in the video, find all five hidden throughout the video and drop a comment listing the 5 WEIRD things you saw and get entered to win a Giveaway (Winners chosen when video reaches 1M view)
Catch And Cook Turkey Smoked And Roasted Over Fire Day 6 of 8 Maine W.L.C. /Catch And Cook Survival
What an epic day we got up at 3 and had a turkey to take back and smoke just after sun up. This has to be the best catch and cook we have achieved so far during our challenge. Now the fun beginsWe have all day to smoke and roast this turkey over the fire. I can't wait for dinnertime. There's nothing quite like smoked turkey out in the woods when you're hungry And especially one that we catch and cook ourselves.
Slingshot Catch and Cook Pigeon AKA SQUAB Day 7 of 8 Maine W.L.C. /Catch And Cook Survival
This is something i have been waiting to do for a while. I love hunting with my slingshot but due to State laws It's not usually legal. But since we've been asked by the farmer to remove pigeons AKA squab That are being a nuisance to the cows. It's a pest control not so much hunting. So I'm making a new sling shot just for the occasion. Are going to head down to the farm we're invited to That has a Pigeon problem And see if we can't catch and cook some pigeons with the slingshot. It turns out That the squab (It's just a fancy word for pigeons) Are getting into the farmers Feed for the cows And eating only the good stuff at the feet ruining the cows balanced diet. So I'll take this new slingshot I built And see if we can't catching cook ourselves Some pigeons with the slingshot. And just in case the shot is too far I'm bringing the kral puncher air rifle 25 Caliber. That will Allow me to triple my range Should some of the Pigeons proved to be skittish Or slingshot shy ;) Last time I went to Canada to do a 7day Wilderness Living Challenge ( The point is to gain or maintain our body wait while eating nothing but wild foods) with the Wooded beardsman . We had a blast living off nothing but wild food for 7 days deep in the back woods of Canada. Now He has come down to join me in my to do it all over agin near my house in the coastal stat of Maine.
Coffee Crusted Steak On Grill Day 8 of 8 Maine Wilderness Living Challenge /Catch And Cook Survival
Its our final day and after we go and check our lobster traps one last time we get to eat our victory meal. Chris chose bacon wrapped steak and I am making a coffee crusted steak on the grill and a Salad. Cant wait not that our food during the wilderness living challenge wasnt good it just my victory meal this Coffee crusted steak idea has been on my mind all week ;)
Building The OFFROAD Subaru Crosstrek Makery And Mischief Adventure Mobile With LP Aventure
Thanks to Bath Subaru and LP Aventure, I was able to turn my Subaru Crosstrek into a Makery and Mischief Adventure Mobile
Fowler's Wilderness Living Challenge Maine START AT THE BEGINNING Series playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Tune in Tuesday and Friday at 12 noon est For New Episodes !
Last season on Wilderness Living Challenge Season 4 Canada https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
*****Sponsors of this Season of the Wilderness living Challenge******
LP Aventure https://LPaventure.com
Hidden Woodsman, Haversack and back Pack https://thehiddenwoodsmen.com/
Outdoor Vitals Sleeping bag, jacket and pillow i use http://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tt...
iunio Survival Gears: SURVIVAL SHOVEL AND MORE https://amzn.to/2L5XEfB
Gerber Knives and Tools https://www.gerbergear.com/
Hoo-Rag https://www.hoorag.com/
Bath Subaru in Bath Maine http://www.bathsubaru.com/
Brought to you by BLACKOUT COFFEE http://www.blackoutcoffee.com?p=rkZeL...
*********Also Support us by shopping the links below***************
*FOWLER'S Amazon Shop Buy the stuff you see us using out there.* https://www.amazon.com/shop/fowlersma...
*FOWLERSMAKERYANDMISCHIEF.COM* Slingshots, Survival Gear and Custom Fowler Merch!!!! https://www.fowlersmakeryandmischief....
Wazoo Survival: https://www.wazoosurvivalgear.com/?af...
*SimpleShot Slingshots* http://simple-shot.com?aff=12
*GrimWorkShop Survival cards That WORK!!!* http://grimworkshop.ositracker.com/87...
Butcher box: https://www.butcherbox.com/fowler/?ut...
*Fiddle Back Outpost for the Knives, Axes, and water filter you see me use* http://fiddlebackoutpost.com?aff=14
*Fiddleback Forge* Custom Knives http://fiddlebackforge.com?aff=6
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